Suddenly I heard "ta-ta-ta-tah-ta-tahhhh!," the sounds of "Charge" being played on a computer... which is exactly what Roomba sounds like when she's activated.
I swiveled in my computer chair just in time to see a rather confused and bemused Topher sitting atop Roomba, as she lurched forward out of her docking station and headed for the door. Topher was off and running to the living room after about a four-inch ride, and Cameron was nowhere to be seen, having dashed into Lisa's studio and hidden under the bed.
I followed Roomba to the living room and grabbed my camera. Topher was in the kitchen, watching Rooba intensely. Gotta give the little guy the daily award for bravery. He stood his ground even as Roomba sucked her way within a foot-and-a-half of him, and retreated only a few inches away behind a dining room chair when she came closer.
Eventually, Cameron came out of hiding in the studio... and hid behind the chair in the living room, peering around to watch.
What a riot! I sure wish I'd thought to shoot video to send to America's Funniest Home Videos. I could use that $10,000.