The Arboretum was blessed this weekend with a visit from our British friends, John and Joyce Grimwade (who actually live in New York City now). A great time was had by all.
The Grimwades generously treated Lisa and Randy to dinner at El Charro Saturday night. Our expectations were that we'd have to wait an inordinate amount of time due to Gem Show action, but were pleasantly surprised to be called to dinner before we could even get drinks! We never stopped talking during the meal. What fun, friendly and interesting people! We concluded with the ChocoFlan. Yum.
Sunday morning, the Abroretum was clean and shiny for brunch. Joyce called to say that they were on their way, but running late. Everything was in order when they arrived. Both Joyce and John had twinkles in their eyes when they revealed the reason they were late: not only had they brought three new plants for the Arboretum, but they'd made a side trip to buy them from our nursery friends Dave and Karen Kelly at Sun Valley Growers! How did they know about SVG? "We're living your blog!" John told us. And then they gave us this cute set of blocks in the approximate shapes of New York landmarks. We were and are overwhelmed and grateful. Thanks!

Following brunch (avocado-, mushroom-and-cheddar omelet, whole grain toast and jam, mimosas and coffee – Randy cooked), we all packed off to hike in Saguaro National Park: Signal Hill and Wild Dog Trail to the overlook. The hiking temperature was ideal, and though it was mostly overcast, sunlight would occasionally break through the interesting clouds. Both John and Joyce remarked how refreshing, though odd, it was to breathe fresh air. We do appreaciate that about the Arboretum.
We know it's a long way to come visit the Arboretum, but we really appreciate when friends make it out to visit. Our doors are always open to the Grimwades, and we hope they come to visit again soon. And you other friends... we'd like to see you, too! You don't even have to bring gifts. :-)