Monday, February 25, 2008

A Modest Proposal

When Lisa and I bought the Arboretum, the views had a sense of limitlessness and beauty. Sure, our neighbors, the Garlands, lived in their manufactured house, but it was way back there.

Our view of the Tucson Mountains was severely challenged when our backyard neighbors-to-be brought in loads of fill, and built a house on the (now) highest hill in the neighborhood. Like this:

Lisa and I now have been talking about building a wall seven feet high and 40 feet long... we could build it ourselves for less than $500 and do the best we can. Or we could hire it done for about 3x more money. I was thinking about asking Wade, our new neighbor-to-be, to chip in for half the difference, but I've had another idea.

What if we could get Wade and Leah to buy paint, and I'll use my presently-dormant muralist skills to paint the view as it once was on their house. Something like this:

We could live with that....


Anonymous said...

Great Idea. Go paint that mural.
could you come paint one for mee too?

I'm Randy Harris.... said...

My neighbor hasn't responded to my offer. I think we're going to have to build a wall.

And, sure, I'll paint a mural for you. I'll bring the brushes, you supply the paint and and my airfare to Iceland. :-)