Wow, the Big Guy loves that woman. He looks like he's not even touching the ground! It's such a blessing that they found each other.
The wedding was fabulous, a great party, even though L. and I were working. Dream setting, intensive planning, and great people who mostly behaved themselves. :-) It was casual and elegant at the same time. What fun everyone had. There are lots of pictures I'll Web publish soon. Promise.
Hey, Debbie and Eric: Mozoltov!
IN RELATED NEWS: The Arboretum was temporarily closed Saturday, as Lisa and I stashed ourselves away with iPhoto, Photoshop and 1200+ pix, for a marathon edit. We worked pretty steadily from 10 a.m. to 9:15 pm, when we hopped into my car and drove to Debbie and Eric's open house carrying some prints and two hot-off-the-burner DVDs. We just made it in time to put the goods into their hands.
We missed food and drink though, as they were just closing down the Clubhouse. So I drove us to La Parrilla Suisa for dinner. We'd worked all those hours together, two creative artists with strong opinions, and were still delighted to be together. And then we came home and Lisa gave me a full body massage.
You know what? For me, she da one.

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